"Supporting couples who are united in love across traditional Christian divisions and promoting acceptance of these relationships within Northern Ireland society"

World Wide Web Resource

We have compiled a resource of links to website information on mixed marriage and related topics. These include:

  • Information on mixed marriage
  • Sites for Churches and Religous institutions
  • community relations
  • news articles on mixed marriage
  • links about housing
  • research into mixed marriage
  • international sites supporting mixed marriages
  • You will appreciate that NIMMA has no responsibility for the content of any external websites, but younshould find many of the sites of interest.

    • Headlines
    • Interchurch
    • Contact Us

    For too long mixed marriages were taboo subject . Iincreasing couples are speaking out openingly about their personal experiences of mixed marriage. Recently interviews have taken place on local media inckluding newspapers where couples share their stories. Much if this has been stimulated by the publication by NIMMA of "Mixed Emotions" where couples were given the opportunity to openly tell their story inn their way and in their own words. Gladly, more and more people are recognising that mixed marrige is healthy, hope-filled and here to stay.


There has been research into mixed marriages carried out locally by diverse groups including the Economic and Social Research Council, the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey and the Centre for Social Research. View links.

NIMMA research

NIMMA is committed to adding to the ccanon of reaserch publications available. In 2012 we published "Mixed Emotions" where ten couples told their own experiences of mixed marriage across seventy years.This built upon our earlier publication "Celebrating the Work, Evaluating the Impact which assessed the role and contribution of NIMMA over more than 30 years.

International Interest

students from Vasteras

NImma regularily receives requests for information from all over the world. We can provide useful information and welcome visitors such as the three Swedish sixth form students from Vasteras who called in NIMMA Belfast Office during a three week sociology trip to Ireland looking into reconciliation.