"Supporting couples who are united in love across traditional Christian divisions and promoting acceptance of these relationships within Northern Ireland society"
NIMMA is a registered charity and depends on volunteers, grant aid and donations. Most of our activities are carried out by our network of members, many of whom are in a mixed marriage and are willing to help others in similar situations.You can download a short 5 minute video which includes information on NIMMA.
Our funding comes through a mix of grant aid, donations and project funding. We have previously been supported financially by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the Reconciliation Fund of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Big Lottery, Cadbury Trusts and donations.
We also depend upon grant aid for specific projects, such as conferences or publications or research. Taking forward our development projects depend upon obtaining funding and support..
We also rely on donations and membership fees to raise the additional monies we need to maintain our services. If you have found the information on this website useful, or have been in contact with us to use our services, you may wish to help NIMMA continue to provide support to couples and families in mixed marriages. Donation can be sent to NIMMA online
NIMMA is "Supporting couples who are united in love across traditional Christian divisions and promoting acceptance of these relationships within Northern Ireland society" You can download a short 5 minute video which includes information on NIMMA.
Read more about mixed marriage and about NIMMA.
In a society where sectarianism is institutionalised, NIMMA continues to lobby for the acceptance of mixed marriage, increased integrated education and wider availability of shared social housing. Much has changed since those early days and NIMMA has played a major role in influencing landmark changes in clerical attitudes and regulations toward mixed marriage to such an extent that it has never been easier to make a mixed marriage. NIMMA strives for changes to baptismal restrictions imposed by all the major denominations, for eucharistic sharing for interchurch couples, true reconciliation and a shared future for all.
You can help NIMMA help others by sending your donations to our Office by at:
28 Bedford Street,
N. Ireland,
Joining NIMMA
NIMMA always welcomes new members. If you are interested in joining, you may want to know more a little about what we offer.
- We offer support to each other
- We come together to enjoy social events throughout the year
- We issue a regular newsletter to keep people up to date with events
- We can support others in need and influence decision makers.
Recent Initiatives and Future Plans
Recent initiatives and future plans include:
- The production and publication of the stories of people who left Northern Ireland due to their mixed relationship. This is a follow up to the successful to "Both Sides Now" and ‘Mixed Emotions’ which gave people in mixed marriages and the children of mixed marriages the opportunity to tell their deeply personal stories.
- The development of Both Sides Now as an education tool for young people.. A video of the play, and accompanying discussion, around Mixed Emotions can be viewed on You Tube.

- The instigation of research into mixed marriage and its potential impact on Northern Ireland’s health, education and political future.