"Supporting couples who are united in love across traditional Christian divisions and promoting acceptance of these relationships within Northern Ireland society"
The Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association (NIMMA) was founded in 1974 and recently marked 50 years of public service by publishing a book reflecting the impact NIMMA has had on church, government and societal practice and most importantly on many couples and their wider circle of family and friends. NIMMA provides country-wide support and information to couples either in or contemplating mixed marriage or relationship. In a society where sectarianism is institutionalised, NIMMA continues to lobby for the acceptance of mixed marriage, increased integrated education and wider availability of shared social housing. Gladly, there have been many improvements since those early days and NIMMA has played a major role in influencing landmark changes in attitudes and regulations toward mixed marriage. NIMMA strives for further changes to baptismal restrictions imposed by all the major denominations, for eucharistic sharing for interchurch couples, true reconciliation and a shared future for all. You can download a short 5 minute video on the purpose and activities of NIMMA which explains why mixed marriage is still an important issue for Northern Ireland.
You can access support at 07706285042 or by email to info@nimma.org.uk:

NIMMA have published an account of their 50 Years of Public Service. The book tels the story of how NIMMA came about and provides a useful summary of the range of activities that NIMMA have been involved in. The impact of NIMMA in church practice, in education and housing are outlined. This reflection also considers why, sadly, NIMMA is still needed. The significant change in media coverage on mixed marriage is assessed. The publication returns to the people in print who featured in previous publications and gives us an insighfull update on their own story. A short history of concludes the book and contains revealing information that many would not be aware off. references and cited and further reading provided as the publication is developed for educational use. Making Reconciliation a Reality compliments NIMM publications of stories of couples in mixed marriage, of children growing up in mixed marriage and of married couples living in exile. .
Over 700 books from our trilogy have been distributed to schools across Northern Ireland and is being used as a poignant education tool.
NIMMA is pleased to have worked in partnership with the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education to develop a play based on the NIMMA Mixed Emotions publication. This is a valuable teaching resource aimed primarily for young people. A video of the play, and accompanying discussion, can be viewed on You Tube by searching on "Mixed Emotions Play Belfast" or use this link.
- News
- A Trilogy of Stories
- Research
From 1974 to 2024 the Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association has supported people and worked to achieve changes which makes lives better for people in mixed ralationships. NIMMA recognised that reconciliation had to start from the ground-up and that the little steps of helping couples and families to reconcile, would ensure that the bigger steps would follow. NIMMA established a blueprint in which compromise and accommodation were seen to foster happiness and comfort to those who needed pastoral care and that stands today as a worthy road map to a reconciled society. .
NIMMA provided a voice for people in mixed marriage through the publication of a trilogy which captured their personal stories. Exiles provided the perspective of those who left Northern Ireland due to being in a mixed relationship.
Both Sides Now documents the lives and stories of children raised within a mixed marriage. They reflect on their childhood experience within a mixed marriange and in their own words provide commentary on their personal experience.
All love stories are unique and the ten accounts of mixed marriage told in the latest NIMMA publication "Mixed emotions" are no exception. Couples share their collective experience, stretching over seven decades. You learn how society has changed and yet how it remains the same. Their reveal how relationships can be made to blossomin face of opposition and we learn how to aspire and achieve far beyond our common divisions.
A report published by the Northern Ireland Mixed Marriage Association (NIMMA) stresses that, despite more than one in ten marriages now being mixed, there is still much to do to create greater awareness and acceptance of interchurch marriage. The academic study of the work and impact of NIMMA represents the most recent in-depth look at the area of mixed marriage, with all of its connotations for church practice, education, housing and tolerance, to have been undertaken in Ireland. It is an accessible and valuable piece of social history which, while documenting the past, lays down guidelines for the future. Copies of the report are now available from NIMMA by e-mailing info@nimma.org.uk. Read more.
Are you in a mixed relationship?
Our publication "Mixed Marriage in Ireland" is a useful companion guide for those involved in or contemplating a mixed marriage. It provides practical advice on preparing for a mixed marriage and on raising children within a mixed marriage. It provides useful information which clarifies an often confusing situation and helps couples decide what is best for them. You can obtain a copy by contacting us. A small charge is requested to cover costs.
Further publications available from NIMMA include "Mixed Emotions", the stories from a range of couples in mixed marriages told in their own words and "Both Sides Now" covering the experiences of children of mixed marriages.
"Evaluating the Impact" presents research into the impact of NIMMA on couples, on churches and on society in Northern Ireland over the years, tracking the changes in society over the decades since NIMMA was first formed.
Contacting NIMMA
NIMMA helps people and families involved in or embarking on a mixed marriage. We are availalbe to speak to groups interested in knowing more about mixed relationships, including the history of mixed marriages in Ireland.Email info@nimma.org.uk:
Supporting NIMMA
NIMMA is a registered charity and depends on membership, on our volunteers and on grants. We depend upon grant aid for specific projects, conferences, publications and research. Taking forward our development projects will depend upon obtaining funding and support. We would welcome your help.You can donate online.